Early Spring cutback

On the 8th Feb 2017 I decided to cut this back hard to build a better branch structure, I also cut the first right branch back to some buds that had developed as the branch had a lot of wood rot so will used these buds to re grow the branch:


Then on the 19th March 2017 I decided to dig into the mat of roots to see what was in there. I did half this year, then half next year:



So after the removal of the air layers I repotted this tree on the 6th April 2015. This tree has not been repotted for years and looks like it only had been slip potted twice without any root work. this has caused a large solid thick ball of root under the tree. I was able to remove some of the roots underneath it but did not want to touch the roots above it this year.. I will do more work above the block of wood next repotting to see if I can get to the original nebari.


mesh from old pot


from underneath after removing matted roots

IMG_4302 IMG_3603

large block of fused roots from old oval pot, you can see the matted roots above the block that will need removing to get down to the original nebari


after repotting
