Fat Little Trident Maple 2

Nebari Bonsai

Here is the previous post on this one…and here is the update!
It was dug in March and root pruned:





Then some tidying up…
Reopening the callus to keep the cambium moving. Maybe this cut will close in my lifetime…?


This little hole in the back had a softer center; and a chopstick routed it out quickly…down into the soil under the trunk. I used some epoxy putty to fill the hole, and will scuff the bark to expose cambium and get it to crawl across the putty.


A little selection pruning, then waiting until the first shoots begin to lignify!

Growing out in Spring:


It was pinched back in May and then allowed to grow on.
June. Time to defoliate and put a little movement in primary branches:


Emmett approves (of the fertilizer cakes, more likely):

The shortened sacrifice leader will be removed when new growth resumes below it.

View original post 38 more words

Fat little trident maple

Nebari Bonsai

Here is a project 11 years in the making. Truthfully, it’s probably a 5-6 year project, but I’ve learned a lot along the way, and hopefully my timelines shorten as I go on.
2002, received, and planted in the ground:


Then in 2003, I did some root work and planted it in a shallow flat, and wired up a new leader. I have learned that this is not the best way to develop new trunk sections:


2004-2005 in a wood box. It regained some strength after root work, and started growing well:



Here it is in 2008, back in the ground:


In 2010, the top half died back, so it was reduced to a stump:



Fast-forward a few years of in-ground growing time…



After cleaning up the pruning scars, adding fresh cuts to the callus, and scraping off the rough bark around the collars:



This is on the path to…

View original post 25 more words

Post chop

So today 28th March 2015 i cut the whip back to the red line to force the growth back to the stump. I am hoping to ge a bud tp pop somewhere near the brown line for the next section of trunk.


Trident Maple update and chop

So here is how high it reached, picture taken 18Oct2014 I was cutting the side shoots to encourage the leader to extend:


The next pics where taken on the 05Feb2015:

IMG_3224 IMG_3212

It thickened up by about an inch by the looks

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Chop made 01Mar2015:


Will now wait and grow out some new lower sacrifice branches and a new leader.

Maples planted in the ground

I have planted the below into the ground to grow on. I have planted one year old Japanese Maple seedlings and 3 year old Trident Maple cuttings


All plants where planted on tiles with 60/40 Multi purpose compost/Cat Litter

Trident Maple 8

This Trident Maple was bought in July 2013 on ebay for £20 for each pot, without its clothes on in Feb 2014:

IMG_1841 Its the one on the far right

And in the March 2014 buds started to swell so it was taken out of the small pot, and root pruned and planted into a growing bed. I planted it on top of a tile. I put a 3cms of fresh 60/40 compost/Cat Litter mix on top of the tile before sitting the tree on top and arranging the roots that where left. No ties where used to hold the roots down.


Will be carefully watered over the next few weeks as the weather warms up and also because the majority of roots are still over the tile and not down into the ground. I have also added a sprinkling of Blood n Bone to aid root growth.

I have also noticed the bud leaves have burnt and turned black. I am told that this is caused by root pruning too late. Root pruning must be down when the bud first start to swell but before they break open. I have done this work about a week too late.

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Trident Maple 7

This Trident Maple was bought in July 2013 on ebay for £20 for each pot, without its clothes on in Feb 2014:

IMG_1841 Its the one on the far right

And in the March 2014 buds started to swell so it was taken out of the small pot, and root pruned and planted into a growing bed. I planted it on top of a tile. I put a 3cms of fresh 60/40 compost/Cat Litter mix on top of the tile before sitting the tree on top and arranging the roots that where left. No ties where used to hold the roots down.

IMG_1909 IMG_1910 IMG_1911 IMG_1932

Will be carefully watered over the next few weeks as the weather warms up and also because the majority of roots are still over the tile and not down into the ground. I have also added a sprinkling of Blood n Bone to aid root growth.

I have also noticed the leaves have burnt and turned black. I am guessing its wind burn so I have covered with plastic tent


Trident Maple 6

This Trident Maple was bought in July 2013 on ebay for £20 for each pot, without its clothes on in Feb 2014:

IMG_1841 Its the one on the far right

And in the March 2014 buds started to swell so it was taken out of the small pot, and root pruned and planted into a growing bed. I planted it on top of a tile. I put a 3cms of fresh 60/40 compost/Cat Litter mix on top of the tile before sitting the tree on top and arranging the roots that where left. No ties where used to hold the roots down.

IMG_1907 IMG_1908 IMG_1931

Will be carefully watered over the next few weeks as the weather warms up and also because the majority of roots are still over the tile and not down into the ground. I have also added a sprinkling of Blood n Bone to aid root growth.

I have also noticed the leaves have burnt and turned black. I am guessing its wind burn so I have covered with plastic tent


Trident Maple 5

This Trident Maple was bought in July 2013 on ebay for £20 for each pot:


Without its clothes on in Feb 2014

IMG_1842 Its the one on the far right

And in the March 2014 buds started to swell so it was taken out of the small pot, and root pruned and planted into a growing bed. I planted it on top of a tile. I put a 3cms of fresh 60/40 compost/Cat Litter mix on top of the tile before sitting the tree on top and arranging the roots that where left. No ties where used to hold the roots down.

IMG_1882 IMG_1884 IMG_1930

Will be carefully watered over the next few weeks as the weather warms up and also because the majority of roots are still over the tile and not down into the ground. I have also added a sprinkling of Blood n Bone to aid root growth.

I have also noticed the leaves have burnt and turned black. I am guessing its wind burn so I have covered with plastic tent


Trident Maple 4

This Trident Maple was bought in July 2013 on ebay for £20 for each pot:


Without its clothes on in Feb 2014

IMG_1842 Its the one on the far right

And in the March 2014 buds started to swell so it was taken out of the small pot, and root pruned and planted into a growing bed. I planted it on top of a tile. I put a 3cms of fresh 60/40 compost/Cat Litter mix on top of the tile before sitting the tree on top and arranging the roots that where left. No ties where used to hold the roots down.

IMG_1881 IMG_1880 IMG_1929

Will be carefully watered over the next few weeks as the weather warms up and also because the majority of roots are still over the tile and not down into the ground. I have also added a sprinkling of Blood n Bone to aid root growth.

I have also noticed the leaves have burnt and turned black. I am guessing its wind burn so I have covered with plastic tent