First styling

This picture was taken on the 22nd June 2014 I didn’t want to take too much off too early.


This is a quick sketch of what it could be like in the further, be good to see if the tree looks anything like it in the future:


Juniper 1


I bought this tree from Windybanks nursery for £185.

This is a picture taken of it on the 23rd Feb 2014

IMG_1839 IMG_1840

This is the tree before starting the shari and taking off some of the foliage on the 7th June 2014



This is the tree after the first bit of shari work and a few gins. I wanted to keep as many new shoots as possible and not go all the way up the tree with the shari just yet. I will finish the shari and the top half of the styling later this season or next.

