Crab Apple (Malus …)

So I bought the tree from Kaizen bonsai nursery for £375 on the 27th February 2014


5th April 2014 I cleaned up the cut wounds on the trunk a little bit

In 2014 I just left the tree grow and selected branches. This is the tree 15th November 2014


8th March 2015 early spring I cleaned up the trunk cuts with the dremel, did a bit of carving of the big lump at the back of the tree and cut back/wired the branches:

10th April 2015 picture of pink just before flower break:

14th April 2015 Flowers out:

1st August 2015 haircut:

27th February 2016 I repotted this tree for the first time. (100% Akadama)

Flowers came out on the 24th April 2016: